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来源: 发布日期:2016/05/10 点击量:




On the basis of high quality educational resources, our center aims to train talented domestic students through international cooperative programs, which are characterized by flexibility in teaching methods, academic levels as well as subjects. The qualification of cooperative foreign institutions can be checked on the official website of the Ministry of Education(www.jsj.edu.com), the degree granted is accredited by the Ministry of Education or Embassy of the People's Republic ofChina, and the record of formal schooling is admitted both domestically and abroad.

The following programs are available in our center:International project classes, IELTS training classes, different kinds of English improving classes, winter and summer camps, employs the foreign experts. we has established long-term cooperative relationships with such countries: theUnited States,Britain,Ireland,Australia, and etc.

In recent five years, the project with Athlone Institute of Technology(authorized by Anhui Provincial Department of Education, recorded by the Ministry of Education), has received extensive affirmation and acceptance by the students and parents in terms of educational system, student management, and follow-up service.

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